Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Your time is limited!!

While I was reading a sad news of the demise of Mr. Steve Jobs, somebody whispered in my ears "Your time is limited". I looked back and there was no one but me in my cube and the poster that said "Your time is limited " hung in front of me.

I realize that my mind is talking to me and this time the thought really hit it hard. May be because , the world I was living in has changed suddenly. Not that Mr. Steve Jobs was really close to me (how I wish!) , but because to some extent I experienced the reality of non existent.
Till now I was living like there is no end, and infinite years / time to come. I was procrastinating lot of things , I always wanted to do, thinking that I will do this when some thing else happens. But today some how I am feeling like some one has awaken me from sleep.

There was time when things rarely changed so drastically.Always read about great dead people in history text books only. All difficult and life changing decisions made for you.
But now I hope I am awake and would really like to live as if
"Your(My) time is limited, so don't (want to) waste it living someone else's life, (and May I) have the courage to follow (my) your heart and intuition"